My First Blue Shoez!!

I finally had my first pair of blue shoes. I've never had one in my entire life and the only blue shoes i
wore before weren't really mine... but anyway here's some pics of

It's a 10.5" midnight navy / skyline blue elite shoes. They're really cool kasi ansarap ipanglakad!
Another thing is, it's gnna go well with my other clothes that doesn't match with my black and brown shoes! Hehehe... so there's only two places this pair would go: (1) my feet, and (2) in its box whenever i'm not using it [i'm pretty finnicky with new shoes, i keep them in boxes when i'm not using them to make sure they're clean whenver i use em ehhehe]
anyway, no big deal really but truly madly i'm thankful to the person who bought me these! Thanks hun! Love you :D